
Chicago Gets Apple Store with New Features

Apparently under construction since the waning days of the Carter Administration, Apple is now opening its North Michigan Avenue store in Chicago on Friday June 27th from 6:00 to 11:00 pm. A lot of celebrity guests, including Cheap Trick and Paul Wertico on a regular series of Music Nights, are lined up for the month of July, and the grand opening will feature Eddie and Jobo of the WBBM morning show (demonstrating iTunes, no less, and holding a trivia contest), plus a live DJ and sweepstakes. And of course, Apple will be giving out its trademark grand opening t-shirts. Way to go, Chicago, some great events lined up and you’ve scored the first-ever “Apple Store Internet Cafe” — no more crowding around display eMacs just to check email.

Apparently under construction since the waning days of the Carter Administration, Apple is now opening its North Michigan Avenue store in Chicago on Friday June 27th from 6:00 to 11:00 pm. A lot of celebrity guests, including Cheap Trick and Paul Wertico on a regular series of Music Nights, are lined up for the month of July, and the grand opening will feature Eddie and Jobo of the WBBM morning show (demonstrating iTunes, no less, and holding a trivia contest), plus a live DJ and sweepstakes. And of course, Apple will be giving out its trademark grand opening t-shirts. Way to go, Chicago, some great events lined up and you’ve scored the first-ever “Apple Store Internet Cafe” — no more crowding around display eMacs just to check email.