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DataMan app adds multiple data plan management feature

This could definitely be useful.

Developer Johnny Ixe has released a new version of the DataMan app for iOS that allows users to track and manage multiple data plans.

The app allows users to manage multiple plans, each with their own profile as well as a set of plan details and usage data. In short, a plan can created for assorted purposes, such as home use, travel, or weekend use.

The feature could come in handy for users with more than one data plan, separate data caps for different times, or international travel roaming plans.

If you have the newest version of the DataMan app, you can follow these instructions to begin creating data plan profiles as needed:

To start: Swipe Left > Data Plan > Add New Plan.

DataMan retails for $0.99 in the App Store and requires iOS 13.1 or later and/or watchOS 6 or later to install and run.

If you’ve tried the latest version of DataMan and have any feedback to offer, please let us know about your experience in the comments.

Via the App Store and Twitter