Accessory Hardware News

512GB, 1TB MicroSD cards en route this April

If your computer workload devours MicroSD cards, you’re going to like this. Western Digital, Samsung, and Micro have announced that 1TB SD cards will be available at the Mobile World Congress event. The units can record with 90MB/S write speeds with up to 160MB/s read speeds. Western Digital has stated that the card can transfer […]

Apple Hardware Intel Processors

Intel representatives state ARM-based Macs could arrive by 2020

It looks like Apple could switch from Intel to ARM processors for its Macs by 2020. In an interview with Axios, the chipmaker privately stated that ARM-based Macs could hit the market by 2020. Apple has shifted to new chip architectures twice now. In 1994 Apple switched from the Motorola 68000 series to PowerPC. Then, […]

Apple Mac MacBook Pro Software

Adobe releases Premiere Pro update, hopes to resolve audio issue that led to blown out MacBook Pro speakers for some users

Some updates are critical, especially if the issue at hand seems to be blowing out assorted MacBook Pro speakers. Late last week, Adobe released an update for its Premiere Pro editing software with the hope that it resolves an audio issue that led to some users with blown-out notebook speakers. The issue, reported here, affected […]

5G Wireless Apple Intel iPhone wireless

Verizon working on 5G network, claims networks will be operational in 30 U.S. cities by end of 2019

Verizon’s 5G is underway. The company on Thursday stated that it’s working on deploying 5G networks, in one form or another, to 30 U.S. cities by the end of 2019. This serves as a hint that 5G technology won’t appear in iPhone handsets until 2020. “It’s just gonna be a total different experience in speed […]

Apple Hardware macOS Mojave

Apple adds AMD Radeon RX 560 cards to list of compatible eGPU units

If you’re a fan of external GPU architectures, you’ll like this. On Thursday, Apple made a small change to its eGPU support document, noting official support for the Sonnet Radeon RX 560 eGFX Breakaway. This marks the first RX 560 eGPU to be officially supported. During the beta testing period of macOS 10.13.4, Apple said […]