News Software

Delicious Library updated to 2.7.6

On Wednesday, software company Delicious Monster released version 2.7.6 of the shareware favorite, Delicious Library. Delicious Monster allows Macs with webcams to scan the bar codes of any book, movie, music CD or video game, then creates an archive based on background information from the Internet. Additional features help keep the library organized and reseller’s […]


SpamSieve Updated to 2.7.6

Michael Tsai’s must-have shareware program, SpamSieve, has just been updated to version 2.7.6. The new version, a 5.9 megabyte download, makes the following fixes and improvements: * Improved compatibility with pre-release versions of Mac OS X. * Expanded the Can I delete spam messages after training SpamSieve with them? section of the manual. * Fixed […]