Developer iOS News Software Watch OS

Apple fixes app slicing issue with iOS 9.0.2 update, allows for device-specific resources to be downloaded as needed

Well, there’s good news if you’re developing iOS apps. Apple has just announced that its app slicing issue has been fixed. This will allow for device-specific versions of apps to be delivered when downloaded by users running iOS 9.0.2 or later. For those of you unfamiliar with app slicing, this is a delivery method that […]

Developer iOS News Software

iOS 9 “App Skinning” feature delayed, iCloud backup bug to blame

Well, this is sort of a kick in the pants. One of iOS 9’s major new features, App Thinning (or “app slicing”), has been delayed due to an issue with iOS 9. App Thinning was announced at WWDC as a way to help trim down the size of large applications by letting developers mark assets […]