
Camino Reaches Version 1.6.7

Late Tuesday, the Camino Project released version 1.6.7 of


OmniWeb Updated to 5.9.1

Early Wednesday, Omni released version 5.9 of its OmniWeb web browser. The new version, a 23.1 megabyte download, adds the following fixes and changes: Auto-closing tab drawer: If the tab drawer was automatically opened when you created multiple tabs, it will now automatically close when you return to a single tab. (If you manually opened […]


Apple Releases Safari 4 Public Beta

Apple announced the release of the Safari 4 public beta on Tuesday. According to Mac Observer, the new version of the browser includes the Nitro JavaScript Engine, faster JavaScript 4.2 processing speeds and a long list of new features including Cover Flow browsing for history and bookmarks. The browser also includes Accessible Rich Interactive Applications, […]