iOS News Software

Marvel app allows developers to turn sketches into prototypes

This could turn into something nifty. Per TechCrunch, UK startup Marvel, which created an app that lets you turn sketches into app “prototypes” — had just one and a half month’s runway left after burning through the majority of a £60,000 investment from Haatch, has raised a £525,000 seed round from Connect Ventures, app studio […]

Amazon Android App Store Apple Apps Google iOS Software

ComiXology removes in-app comic purchasing

I think it’s safe to say that it was Amazon that did the removing, but the fact remains that a major feature of the iOS app was removed. For the Android version, there were also some changes, but not as drastic. Comic purchases are now routed through comiXology instead of Google. The move is intended to avoid paying Apple […]

Amazon Announcement Business iPad

Amazon grabs a new demographic…comic book readers

If you love comic books and love reading on your iPad, you’ve probably heard of comiXology. The company (and app) are responsible for bringing comic books into the digital age of online purchasing and reading content on a mobile device. So it was only a matter of time before it attracted the eye of the […]