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Apple releases iOS 12.1.1, tvOS 12.1.1 updates

The updates came down the pipe on Wednesday, Apple releasing tvOS 12.1.1 and iOS 12.1.1 alongside macOS 10.14.2 Mojave iOS 12.1.1, which generally operates was a maintenance update, offers the following fixes and changes: – Haptic Touch support for iPhone XR handsets.

Apple Apple Music Apple Pay iOS iPad iPhone News Software

Apple releases iOS 11.3 update

You’ve been hankering for it and it’s here. On Thursday, Apple released its long-awaited iOS 11.3 update. The update, a 783 megabyte download, offers the following fixes and changes: Augmented Reality – ARKit 1.5 allows developers to place virtual objects on vertical surfaces like walls and doors in addition to horizontal surfaces – Adds support […]