Apple Google Hack News privacy security

Apple, Google, Mozilla block spying Kazakhstan root certificate in web browsers

Apple, Google, and Mozilla have begun blocking a Kazakhstan-based government-issued root certificate embedded in its websites. The root certificate attempts to spy on citizens and works to gain access to web browsers via its credentials. Per The Hacker News: “The root certificate in question, labeled as ‘trusted certificate’ or ‘national security certificate,’ if installed, allows […]

Apple Consumer Electronics iOS iPhone Legal Mobile Mobile Phone News privacy security Services Software

Will the next NSA satellite have an Apple logo?

Well, perhaps that is a stretch, but Apple’s possible connection with the NSA was revealed in a report dating back to 2008. Reuters explains that the report outlined a system that the NSA was developing, called DROPOUTJEEP, which would be software implanted into an iPhone that allows infiltrators to push and pull and retrieve data from […]