Education iOS News Software

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak announces Woz U, looks to bring affordable tech education to wider audience

The Woz is endeavoring to bring more affordable tech education your way. Last week, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak announced the formation of Woz U, an online university designed to make tech education more affordable. He stated that while the current plan is for web-based classes in the near term, the long-term plan is to bring […]

Apple Fun Hardware Hardware History iBook iMac iPad Mac Desktop Mac mini Mac Pro MacBook MacBook Air News PowerBook PowerBook 12-Inch PowerBook 15-Inch PowerBook 17-Inch PowerBook G3 PowerBook G4 PowerBook G4 Aluminum PowerBook G4 Titanium PowerBook G5 PowerMac G5

Tekserve closes fabled New York store, will auction off its Macintosh collection in September

An amazing collection of Apple and Mac history is going on the auction block next month. Tekserve, once the go-to third-party repair shop for Apple products in New York City, announced last month that it would be closing shop on August 15 after being in business since 1987. Now that Tekserve has officially closed shop, […]

iOS iPhone Legal News security

Apple iOS encryption battle could escalate to the Supreme Court

Apple’s cryptography fight could go all the way to the tippy top. Following tim Cook’s reply to the court order instructing the company to assist the FBI in breaking into an iPhone left any room for doubt about Apple’s determination to fight the matter all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, that doubt appears […]

Fun Hardware News

Woman donates rare Apple I computer worth $200,000 to recycling center, effort begins to locate her to provide resale payment

Ok, this is why you check before you hurl something in the trash. A Bay Area recycling center in Milpitas, California is attempting to track down an unidentified woman who dropped off a 1976-model Apple I in April, after the computer sold to a private collector for US$200,000 this month. The Apple I was one […]