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Apple releases iOS 15, iPadOS 15 updates

You’re been hankering for them and they’re here. Apple on Monday released both iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 to customers, adding a slew of new features. Here are some of them: Focus, a new way to help users reduce distraction by filtering notifications based on what a user wants to focus on in that moment. […]

Apple Apps Developer iOS iPadOS iPhone Mac macOS Monterey News Software

Apple implements significant Safari browser tab change, walks it back in latest macOS Monterey beta

Apple may have walked back a change that would have thrown off or annoyed its tester base. The company made a major change to Safari tabs in the latest macOS Monterey beta, reverting the design back to a more familiar layout after receiving feedback from beta testers. In the macOS Monterey beta, Apple introduced a […]

High Sierra macOS News security Sierra Software

Apple releases Safari 12 update, focuses on ad-tracking, privacy, and security improvements

Amidst the slew of updates and new releases, Apple also released Safari 12 for macOS Sierra and High Sierra on Monday. The new version of the browser adds the following fixes and changes: – Adds the ability to view website icons in tabs – Automatically suggests and fills a strong, unique password when creating an […]

How-To iOS iPad iPhone iPod Touch News

How-To: How to close all your open Safari tabs at once

This qualifies as one of the coolest iOS shortcuts I’ve heard about in a while. For people who want to close all their Safari tabs at once, you can pull this off on your iOS device by pressing and holding the new tab (double square) button. That’s it, it offers to close all your open […]

Developer iCloud News OS X Sierra Software WWDC

WWDC: Apple reveals details about macOS Sierra

On Monday, Apple revealed details of its upcoming macOS Sierra operating system. Sierra, which might otherwise be known as “10.12”, includes a swath of new changes, including a much-updated Siri, which will be incorporated into the operating system and feature a Siri icon within the Dock that activates when clicked upon. During the macOS Siri […]