AppleCare Hardware MacBook Pro News

“Staingate” controversy gains traction, cites Apple as responsible for screen coating damage on Retina display notebooks

This is pretty much the digital version of the local peasantry showing up at your front door with torches and pitchforks. A small number of Retina MacBook Pro owners are calling for Apple to replace or repair their notebooks after discovering what appears to be irreparable damage to an antireflective screen coating layer, a problem […]

Hardware Legal MacBook Pro News

Users levy class action law suit against Apple for mid-2011 MacBook Pro GPU failures

If the GPU on your mid-2011 MacBook Pro failed and you wound up picking up the cost of replacing it, there may be some legal recourse that could help you out. Per AppleInsider, a long-running issue with owners of Apple’s 2011 series of MacBook Pros has resulted in a class-action lawsuit, seeking compensation for apparent […]