Announcement Holiday iOS News

Happy Columbus Day from O’Grady’s PowerPage!!!

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s Columbus Day, and the staff of O’Grady’s PowerPage will be taking the day to spend time with friends and family. We heartily encourage you to do the same, as well as enjoy some amazing fall weather. Enjoy the day and we’ll be back tomorrow with more Mac, iOS, and mobile news, […]

Apple Apple Watch Google Hack iOS iPhone iPhone News Software watchOS Wearables

Apple rereleases watchOS 5.3.2, allows Apple Watch Series 4 to communicate with older iPhones

If you have a less-than-entirely-new iPhone and an Apple Watch Series 4, this will come in handy. Apple has issued a second release of its watchOS 5.3.2 operating system, this time allowing for owners of iPhones that cannot upgrade to iOS 13 or later to continue using the wearable device with their older smartphone.  The […]

Apple Apple Card Finance News retail

Apple Card offers Disaster Relief feature, leniency in payments following emergencies

The Apple Card now includes Disaster Relief as a perk. A customer who lives in Houston and was impacted by flooding from tropical storm Imelda received the following email: “We understand that you have been affected by a natural disaster. We’d like to offer our support and assistance through our Disaster Relief Program.” The program […]

Accessory Apple Apple TV battery Bluetooth Fun Game Hardware iOS iPad iPhone Microsoft News TvOS

Microsoft Xbox wireless controller now available on Apple Store web site

This is unexpected, but it’s still nifty. Apple recently began selling Microsoft’s Xbox wireless controller on its online store. The controller retails for $59.95, and arrives with two AA batteries. The unit is supported on iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV. You’ll need to be running iOS 13, iPadOS 13, tvOS 13, or later to use […]

Accessory Apple Apple Pencil battery Hardware iPad News

Patent outlines how vibration/feedback could be added to next-gen Apple Pencil

Your Apple Pencil could one day provide vibrational feedback as you draw. A recently published Apple patent shows how a next-gen Apple Pencil could use haptic feedback, with the use of magnetic fields physically affecting the stylus while it is actively being used to draw on an iPad or iPad Pro, using the force to […]