Legal News wireless

Rumor: AT&T to crack down on Internet piracy next week, seeks to punish copyright infringement

If you were considering engaging in Internet piracy via an AT&T connection over the next week, AT&T won’t look kindly upon that.

Anonymous sources have stated that the carrier will soon inform about a dozen broadband customers that their connection will be terminated due to copyright infringement.

Over the next week or so, AT&T will kick some customers off its network due of copyright infringement. Thanks to its purchase of Time Warner, AT&T is now a major media company in the United States.

Anonymous sources stated that AT&T will cut off broadband connections if customers ignore “repeated efforts to “educate” them about the perils of copyright infringement.”

Per the sources:

“Based on the notices we received, we identified the customer on the account and shared with them the information we received. We also reached out to the customer to educate them about copyright infringement and offer assistance to help prevent the activity from continuing.

A small number of customers who continue to receive additional copyright infringement notifications from content owners despite our efforts to educate them, will have their service discontinued.”

Because of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) ISPs have to forward copyright warnings to customers that were sent by the entertainment industry.

Users who use big amounts of bandwidth dedicated to piracy will be mostly targeted, and they will have to ignore several warnings regarding the issue.

Stay tuned for additional details as they become available.

Via The Mac Observer and Axios