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Rumored next-gen Mac mini referred to in Apple Studio Display firmware

Sometimes it’s the firmware that gives away what’s coming down the pipe.

According to developer Steve Troughton-Smith, references within the firmware for the latest Apple Studio Display helped support the rumor that Apple may be developing a new Mac mini.

A reference to “Macmini10,1” within the Studio Display’s iOS 15.4 firmware points to a Mac mini model that does not currently exist, and may be the model ID of a new device.

Past rumors have hinted that Apple developed plans to release a new high-end Mac mini. This would be a way to replace the Intel-based model. With a desire to move away from Intel chipsets, the new mini would likely have the M2 chipset. However, with the launch of the Mac Studio, which is a hybrid between the Mac mini and Mac Pro, it is not entirely clear whether or not the rumored Mac mini is a high-end or low-end product.

Stay tuned for additional details as they become available.

Via The Mac Observer and @stroughtonsmith