Accessory Apple Apple Silicon Apple Watch Apple Watch Pro Apple Watch SE Apple Watch Ultra Apps Developer Hardware iOS iPhone iPhone News retail Software watchOS Wearables

watchOS 9.5 update may have caused strange greenish tint for some Apple Watch users

This is why follow-up patches exist. Following its release of watchOS 9.5 last week, a number of Apple Watch owners have reported an unusual green tint to their watch display when accessing certain UI elements. Almost all of the models affected are Apple Watch Series 8 and older devices, with earlier models seemingly faring worse. […]

News Software

Apple releases iPhoto 9.5 update

Pretty much everything got an update today, iPhoto being part of that “everything”. On Tuesday, Apple released its iPhoto 9.5 update. The update, a 1.15 gigabyte download from the Mac App Store, adds the following fixes and changes: – 64-bit support. – The Places feature now uses Apple maps to display photo locations. – Adds […]

News Software

QuarkXPress updated to 9.5

On Thursday, software developer Quark released version 9.5 of its QuarkXPress design application. The 816 megabyte update, which can be downloaded here, adds the following change: – Beginning with version 9.5, App Studio is switching from the proprietary AVE format to the industry-standard HTML5 format. For an in-depth description of the new App Studio, see […]