Legal News

Net neutrality preservation effort passes House vote, unlikely to go further, could become political lightning rod for November elections

The vote went as expected, but odds are it won’t go further than the senate. On Wednesday, U.S. Senate Democrats voted 52 to 47 in favor of undoing the Federal Communications Commission’s “Restoring Internet Freedom” order, which ended Obama-era net neutrality protections. The measure passed with a better margin than expected, with three Republicans and […]

Legal News

U.S. Senate forces vote to restore Net Neutrality

Over the past year, Net Neutrality has gone through a wild ride of ups and downs. Now, the U.S. Senate is forcing a vote to restore the protections. Lawmakers are using the Congressional Review Act to make the vote happen and it looks like the Senate is just one vote short of bringing net neutrality […]

Legal News privacy

Congress moves forward with anti-Internet-privacy bill

Make of this what you will. The United States Senate The US Senate has voted to overturn Internet privacy rules introduced last year by the FCC. In addition, the overturned vote works to prevent the FCC from passing any further such rules in the future. Via the notes: Congress disapproves the rule submitted by the […]