Apple Hack iOS iPadOS News privacy security

Apple releases iOS 13.5.1, iPad OS 13.5.1, addresses security holes with updates

In a quick follow up to the recent hefty iOS 13.5 and iPadOS 13.5 updates, Apple on Tuesday released iOS 13.5.1 and iPadOS 13.5.1. The updates offer security patches for the operating system, specifically patching a vulnerability, (CVE-2020-9859) that let the unc0ver Team create a jailbreak. To download the update go to Settings > General > Software […]

Apple Apps battery FaceTime iCloud Mac macOS News privacy security Software

Apple releases macOS 10.15.5 update, includes Battery Health, FaceTime updates among others

Apple on Tuesday released its macOS Catalina 10.15.5 update. The update, a 2.98 gigabyte download, offers the following fixes and changes: Battery Health Management: Battery health management to help maximize battery lifespan for Mac notebooks Energy Saver preference pane now displays battery condition and recommends if the battery needs to be serviced Option to disable […]

App Store Apple Apple Pay Apps Face ID FaceTime Health iCloud iOS iPadOS iPhone News privacy Software

Apple releases iOS 13.5, iPadOS 13.5 updates, focuses on FaceTime, Face ID, and COVID-19 contact tracing fixes

Apple on Wednesday released iOS 13.5 and iPadOS 13.5, the current updates to its mobile operating systems. The updates offer significant fixes and improvements, and also focus on speeding up access to the passcode field when wearing a face mask, introduce the Exposure Notification API to support COVID-19 contact tracing, and offer assorted bug fixes […]

App Store Apple Apps Health iOS iPhone News privacy security Software

Apple releases COVID-19 app update, offers fixes, changes based on CDC guidance

Apple on Thursday released a substantial updated to its COVID-19 app and website, including both bug fixes and significant new information. Updates include new recommendations for healthcare workers to align with CDC guidelines, best practices for quarantining if you’ve been exposed to COVID-19, and new information for pregnancy and newborns. As of April, Apple responded […]

AirPods AirPods Pro Apple Bluetooth Hardware iOS News Software

Apple releases version 2D15 firmware update for second-generation AirPods, may be looking to address pairing issue with fix

A week after releasing updated firmware for the AirPods Pro earbuds, Apple has released the same firmware for the second-generation AirPods, bringing them to the new 2D15 firmware. Apple didn’t release the exact changes offered by the firmware, but it’s thought that since the second-generation AirPods don’t feature Active Noise Cancellation, the firmware fixes the […]